Video is to a brand what knives are to a chef, a precision tool that enables them to touch their audience. Creating those tools requires craftsmanship. That’s our job. We strive to make #madebystoryme a hallmark of quality because video is our passion 💛
We’re not bound by job descriptions, we’re here to help each other. If you feel that it's going to help the project or colleague, don't let a piece of paper tell you what you can and cannot do 🤝
We don’t care about traditions & we’re not afraid to change things up! So please, introduce us to new things, especially if they’re shiny! 🎉
We know that there’s always room for improvement. So we make sure there’s room for you to improve 🚀
We’re open to everyone, except those who aren’t open at all. So don’t be a hater 😉